Life in the Fastlane

I love that song by the Eagles – “Life in the Fastlane”.  It’s one of those classics that really get you motivated.

I’ve been reading a great book by MJ DeMarco – Millionaire Fastlane that’s also got me extremely motivated right now.  In the first part of the book  he mentions a old proverb that I found inspiring:

“If you want to keep getting what you’re getting, keep doing what you’re doing”

Since 1999 I’ve had the same job, same job title, and same salary.  That’s 13 years!  It’s definitely time for a change.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m very thankful.  I make decent money and make sure my family is taken care of.  I work for a gaming company (Electronic Arts) which is pretty damn cool.

The main issue is that even working for EA, I’m still a slave to the grind. (We all are!)  And I don’t see my job changing anytime soon let alone any type of salary increase.

I’m constantly concerned with getting the kids through college and our retirement.  AND I don’t want to work until I’m DEAD.  At this rate that’s exactly whats going to happen.

I want to retire young enough to enjoy it!

So my new goal is to put my head down and poo myself into my web business. My goal is $12,000/month and to quit my day job.

That may sound far fetched, but main site brings in about $600-800/month.  I need to replicate that 10-20 more times.

  • I’m too old to be a Rockstar
  • I never was an athlete
  • I could go into acting (I’ve considered it, but that’s a tough life unless you really make it big)
  • Stocks are too complicated

Being an Internet Entrepreneur is just right… it’s the life for me. - If you don't want to keep getting what you've been getting, Than stop doing what you've been doing.

Is Gold a Good Investment?

With stocks on the rise and the economy starting to trun around many question whether gold is still a good investment.  Personally I feel that gold and silver as a monetary means of exchange will always be our fall back plan.

Banks all over the world contently try to convince people that fiat currency’s are the way to better economic times.  But ever since we’ve left the gold standard behind every country around the world has experienced some sort of financial crisis.

The scarcity of gold and silver alone lends itself to being a good stable investment.

Click on this picture for a larger view

We’re Not Vegan…. Yet

Free Vegetarian Starter KitsMy wife an I have talked about changing our diet many times. And in those many conversations we often talked about starting a vegetarian or even Vegan diet. But neither of us really know how to be vegan and more importantly are a bit worried we won’t be able to live with a vegan diet.

Both of us have similar upbringings where we’ve been doing what everyone else is doing and eating from the 4 main food groups. Meat, Fruit, Vegetables and Diary. But of course the Meat and Diary are the largest portions of what we eat.

We’ve even tried with some success a low carb, high protein diet. Diets like this are similar to the Atkins, or Zone diets and we have both lost weight fast. But as soon as we return to our old ways the weight comes back and then some, plus from what we have read this type of diet can be hard on your liver and kidneys.

But in backs of our minds neither one of us have been comfortable contributing to the massive slaughter of animals like cows, pigs, turkeys and chickens. We’ve heard the horror stories of how our food is processed and honestly looked the other way.


But as we learned about Veganism and began to learn how to become vegan, we ultimately had to uncover what we had previously chosen to ignore.

The following video is a true eye opener. If you have even considered changing to a Vegan lifestyle, I encourage you to watch the following video. It will change your life. I changed my wife and mine.

Please Beware – The Following Video Will Effect You

Fat guy

Holy Crap I’m a Fat I.T. Guy

Fat guyI dont really know when it happened, slowly I guess, over time. But I woke up and realized I’ve become a fat I.T. guy.

When I look back on my cool hip days, I wasn’t a bad looking guy I suppose. Mean come on, I was in a heavy metal band for Christ sake. I had long straight black hair (yes black, it needed to be heavy and certainly black is heavier than brown so I died my hair black). It was an amazing time.

But now? Fuck! I’m out of shape and having allmof these aches and pains. So I did the only thing any one would do and buck up and go to the gym.

You really have to be in the right mind set to start adding the gym into your daily routine. I’m not a joke and far from it and have always felt put down by the athletic types. So when I go to the gym I’m really out of my element and have to really be in NEED to go.

So that’s where I’m at today. Going to the gym and working out. I have to say it’s not that bad. I feel a whole lot better and most of the aches and pains are starting to go away.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress whatever it maybe.

New Health Benefits from Juicing Marijuana

This is an amazing video showing some new break through’s in medical marijuana and the health benefits of juicing marijuana!!

Juicing marijuana is the process of putting raw marijuana in a food processor or juicer, along with other vegetables, to create a juice drink. This allows for the consumption of high doses of THCa (non-psychoactive) which has been found to relieve all types of problems from arthritis to brain tumors.

Read more at Cannabis International

Cannabis International

A Resource For The Dietary And Medicinal
Study And Use Of Cannabis

How the US Monetary System Works

This is an incredible video that explains our current monetary system and how the federal reserve, IRS, and the central bank came to be.

It’s fantastic explain of real money, fiat currency and how our country ended up with the financial system that it has.


Investments for this decade and the next

Investing or even saving can be so confusing sometimes. You would think it was be easy, I mean all you have to do is sock some money away and don’t spend it, right? Wrong! I’ve been doing this exact thing and what I have seen is my saved money slowly evaporate.

I’m like most people who work for a company that offers a pension plan for the new millenia, otherwise known as the 401(k). As a matter of fact, most every company I have ever worked for has offered a 401(k). I have always participated in my company’s 401(k) plan no matter which company I have worked for. I have been putting anywhere from 6% to 11% of my annual salary into these 401(k) plans.

The problem is that, though I have been adding to these account they have not been earning any interest. I truly feel they have been earning negative interest (or losing money!).

Most 401(k) pool money together into mutual funds. The only choice you have is to pick one of the funds offered by the plan.

I try to invest in stocks when I can, but lately even stocks haven’t been very good vehicles for earning a decent return on your investment.

I think the only stable investment in todays economy for the next 5-10 years is commodities, namely GOLD AND SILVER.

“The way to protect yourself is to own real assets.” – Jim Rogers.

In the following article are some good points as to why gold and silver are the best investments today and over the next decade.  I hope you enjoy it:


6 Reasons Why Gold Is Rising

Posted by Mike Tirone  from Thursday, June 23rd, 2011


The price of gold is currently near all-time nominal highs. $1,540 an ounce, which 24% higher than last June’s numbers. While the number may seem high, remember: it’s not inflation-adjusted.

Smart investors look to gold as a safe haven, to put their money into something that will protect them as the economy continues to flounder. There are many reasons to invest in gold, especially since Bernanke is not really suprising us with any uplifting or hopeful news with the economy.

Forbes recently compiled a list of six reasons why gold could go higher, and I thought it was worth sharing.

  1. Global Demand for Gold is Up

    Large amounts of gold will probably continue to be bought and most of by private investors in foreign countries (like China) who make habit of hoarding gold. Demand in China over the past decade has grown by double digits, and it’s not stopping. It is projected to rise by 10-15% again in 2011 and some foresee China overtaking India as the world’s largest gold buyer this year.

    According to Reuters, “Demand in China for physical gold and gold-related investments is growing at an ‘explosive’ pace and its appetite for the yellow metal is poised to remain robust amid inflation concerns.”

  2. High Inflation is Rearing Its Ugly Head

    The Federal Reserve’s economic stimulus plans had them dump tons of new money into the financial system and this drastic increase typically spikes inflation because it seriously devalues the dollar. Everyone is talking about high inflation coming around the corner because of this latest stimulus program. If that happens, you can bet that investors seeking an inflation hedge will sprint to gold, thus forcing the price through the roof.

  3. The Dollar Isn’t what it Used to Be

    You don’t need me to tell you that the dollar has been on a cold streak. The U.S. dollar index measures the strength of the dollar against a bunch of other currencies, and in June 2010, it had reached a peak of 86 on the index. This year it has taken a 14% hit and fallen to below 74. “Investors have always viewed gold as a hedge against a falling dollar, and there’s no reason to believe they won’t this time around”

  4. Stocks are Not Looking too Hot

    Just as the dollar is in a slump, so are stocks. In late April they peaked at 12,811 and since then the Dow Jones Industrial Average has dropped about 6% while the S&P 500 has stumbled more than 6.5% in that same time frame. With these waining stocks, andfinancial gloom-and-doom economists like Nouriel Roubini, investors may start prepping for another financial crisis which means more gold to be bought.

  5. Buying Gold Has Become Central Banks New Past Time

    Because of the weakening U.S. dollar – which is still the reserve currency all around the world– central banks have been buying gold to limit their reliance of the U.S. And this isn’t going to stop anytime soon. Ten years ago those same banks were selling gold by the bundle, now they are buying it all back and that is a strong, bullish indication for gold.

  6. How High Will Gold Go?

    The signs for gold to continue to rise are all around, but like with anything within the investing market, nothing is for certain. Even though the price of gold is quite high already, many investors still think it has room to grow, for example projecting a 30% price spike by the end of 2011, meaning the “yellow metal” will eclipse the $2,000 an ounce mark. Other projections are a little less dramatic, calling for a year-end price of $1,600 an ounce which is only a 4% jump…

Whatever projections you care to believe, the consensus is this… the price of gold is rising and there are far too many reasons to believe that this trend is only going to continue.